Flaunt it to get your dream guy?

via Daily Prompt: Flaunt

These days, most people think showing skin is the new trend. However, I beg to differ.

In my opinion, showing too much off be it your assets, your assets or your daily life (read this gem: Is social media ruining your life? ) leaves no room for imagination. Let’s be real ladies (and/or gentlemen), if your special someone doesn’t like you when you’re looking yourself in your most comfortable clothes; how are they going to manage looking at you for the rest of your lives? Be comfortable and confident in your own skin, you deserve it.

And here comes the philosophical part. You are not your body. You are your personality and your principles and much, much more. That significant other is going to like you for not just your looks, but what you are on the inside. So don’t waste your time thinking you’ll nab a good one by looking extra sexy. There’s a thick line between self-acceptance and craving attention. Make sure you’re on the right side.

Here’s one more important reminder. There is no dream guy. Youtuber Mscaranicole said it better. He/She is going to have the same flaws as you are. Think you can deal with that? Well, start trying to. There’s going to be plenty of things you will have to learn to accept about your partner too, which is why you should have your shit together by this paragraph.

Now, I shall answer the golden question. You know what I think it is you should flaunt? Your time. Find your talents. Discover your personality. All the things you could be doing, go try them out. It will make you all the more interesting for that special someone.

What do you think? Yay or nay? Share your opinions in the comments down below.

Thanks for reading!